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Home Stretch – Starting the Third Trimester September 27, 2008

Posted by Tori in Illness, Pregnancy.
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Well, I’m 30 weeks now, which means I will be finishing up this pregnancy and welcoming a new little one to the family soon. This pregnancy has had a lot of ups and downs. It’s been the complete opposite of first pregnancy, which was one of those textbook type pregnancies. This one has been full of issues and it seems one thing after another.

Lately I’ve been battling a UTI that won’t go away. I mentioned some symptoms at my doctor’s appointment, and she then gave me a prescription for some medicine to stop my cramping/contracting and an antibiotic because my urine sample showed a very high level of white blood cells, indicating the UTI. Last Monday I finished the last pill, felt better for a couple of days, then starting feeling worse. I was getting clusters of cramps that were pretty intense. My doctor wanted me to go to L&D observation to be evaluated, and they discovered that I still had my UTI, so I received another round of antibiotic to complete. It’s a different drug, and it seems to be helping. I feel better, even if I didn’t realize that I felt that bad.

In related news, my daughter is also suffering her first UTI. It’s kind of odd that we both got one at the same time, but she’s taking medicine as well, so we both should be all better soon.

I feel like I haven’t prepared near enough, though I have unpacked several boxes of stuff, washed them and put them away for the little one. I’ve purchased some of the things I need in my suitcase (mostly travel-sized toiletries), have gotten the suitcase out, and I’m ready to start slowly packing things in there. I feel paranoid that I’m going to go early, and I’m already nesting. I’ve been cleaning house, and I really need to declutter more.

There are lots of ideas floating around in my head for this blog, but I seem to not do them. Something to work on, I guess.

No Rest for the Toddler’s Mommy March 8, 2008

Posted by Tori in Illness, Moms, Toddlers.
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Everyone has been sick around here lately. First, the husband got it and passed it to Piper and me. We were treated for an almost ear infection and an almost sinus infection. Then, we came down with something else, which I’m now guessing is the flu. Piper and I got better in time for my husband to come down with it hard. Now, it looks like everyone is on the mend, but no one is fully recovered.

But no matter how sick I feel, I don’t get to rest with a toddler in the house. The sick feeling leaves her foul, whiny, and utterly clingy. Mommy just wants to rest, because she’s sick too, but there’s no hope of that happening. At two, a toddler has a hard time going down for a nap. At least at home, that is. At my mother’s house, she happily gathers her napping supplies and tells my mom that she’s going to take a nap on the couch now.

It probably wouldn’t be so bad, but my husband is often helping his grandpa do things, so he isn’t home a lot on the weekends.

So now that people seem to feel better, I wake up this morning to a tickle in my throat and a lovely cough. I really hope I am not coming down with it again. There’s no rest in sight for me.